Swap-bot Time: December 11, 2024 12:12 am

Hearts ratings for RVP04

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BonjourBooks rated for Profile-based postcard #3 on Sep 1, 2023
Comment: Thank you so much :)
craftynut rated for PC Question #1 (INTL) on Jul 25, 2023
Comment: Great postcard, thank you. The answer to your question, how do you deal with anxiety, is- I have a go-to place where I an sit and just listen to what is going on around me. It might be the wind, or even the rain. There are lots of butterflies there at the moment. For however long I am there, I can just forget what is bothering me. If I can't get there, then I sit in my garden but it is not as peaceful because there is all the traffic noise from the road on one side of our house and the railway line on the other. Most of the time my go-to place is enough to bring a bit of balance back. Unfortunately, the anxiety levels are a little too high for it, then I get in my car and just drive off to 'disappear' for however many hours I need.
Comment: Thank you so much!!!
Ilovemanatees rated for newbie swap #3 on Jun 1, 2023
Comment: Thank you πŸ’•

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
5.0000 4 0 0
Completed Fives Threes Ones
5 5 0 0
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
0 5 0 0

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