Swap-bot Time: December 2, 2024 7:07 pm

Ones ratings for angeliclizard

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Aria rated for 100,000! on Jan 25, 2012
Comment: Hi, I hope you're OK, as you haven't been responding to messages... I think I would have to rate you a 1. I will change the rating of course (if and when I receive the swap. :) )
Response: This user has not been online since August 20th 2013. I have left them a message on 2/11/16 incase they ever return, I would love to make this up to them.
pinkbixi rated for Mushroom on Dec 12, 2011
Comment: did not get anything yet :(
Response: This user has not been online since May 11th 2013. I left them a message on 2/11/2016 incase they ever return that I would love to make this swap up to them.

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
4.9363 170 28 30
Completed Fives Threes Ones
182 245 4 2
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
28 25 129 0

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