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Response: I'm so glad. I can't wait to hear back!
Response: You're welcome. :)
Response: Thank you for the rating!
Response: I really enjoyed reading your response. Thank you for rating!
Response: I'm glad you liked it!
Response: Great, I can't wait to get it.
Response: Have a nice Vday. :]
Response: Glad. :)
Hope you have a good Vday!
Response: I'm glad you enjoyed it! :)
Response: You're welcome. And thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome!!
Response: I love the name Lynn. And it really sucked sleeping in the bed, but now that I have a bigger bed, I miss us all cuddling so close.
Response: Hey, thank you! And I'm always up for new friends, especially mothers!! :))
Response: Thank you for the rating!
I visited California last year and my friend assured me that it would be very hot over there.. so while everyone there was in swimsuits, I managed to catch a cold and wore a thick jacket around everywhere. When people stared strangely and asked me why I wore the jacket, I told them to visit Georgia if they thought this was hot! Ironically it's the sunshine state.. hmm..
Nice to meet you. :)