Hearts ratings for dlhwz
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Response: thank you so much for the rating AND THE HEART!! :') I'm glad you enjoyed the resend. and sure!! ^_^ thank you so much once again (≧∇≦)
Response: thank you so much!! ^_^
Response: thank you for the heart ^_^
Response: i'm glad you enjoyed reading my email :))
hehe, i agree about what you've said!! <3 will also be PM-ing you :3
Response: i'm glad you enjoyed reading my email.. :)
thank you for the heart!! ^_^
Response: thank you!! ^_^
Response: yay!!! glad you liked the letter ^_^ thank you for the rating and the heart (=^ェ^=)
Response: heheh.. I'm glad you enjoyed reading my letters. I enjoyed writing them too ^_^ <3
Response: yay!! thank you <3 :P
Response: i'm glad you loved it ^.^ <3 thank you for the rating and heart :-)
Response: i'm so glad you liked it ^.^ thank you for the rating and the heart :-) <3
Response: HAHAH, thank you so much for the <3 Monisha. i'm glad you liked it :-)
Response: thank you ^.^ i'm glad you liked it!!! :-)
Response: thank you for the rate ^.^
Response: yay!! I'm glad you (and hopefully, she) like the postcard. thank you for the rating and the heart ^.^
Response: i'm glad you liked the postcard :-) thank you so much for the rating and the heart!! ^.^
Response: heehehe :P
i'm glad you liked the postcard ^.^ thank you so much for the rating and the heart :-)
Response: heheh, i'm glad you liked it ^.^
Response: i'm glad you enjoyed it :) thank you for the rating!! ^.^
Response: hope you like it!! thank you for the awesome rating :3
Response: you're welcome!! thank you so much for the rating ^.^
Response: you're welcome!! ^.^
Response: ^.^ hope you like it!!