Hearts ratings for gama
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Response: Thank you for nice comment. I am glad you like what I sent to you, especially that you like handmades ;)
Response: I am so glad you like the package. I love that tin, I have the same too ;) Heh, great idea for using such a big bag.
Response: Wow,the package came just in 3 (work) days. Happy Easter! Hope, you will have soonly opportunity to use new cutters ;)
Response: I am happy you like stuff I sent to you. I still did not get anything from you :(
Response: Oh, wow it came so quickly. I am so sorry for bunny, I have the same and like him very much. I did not think he need special packaging. My fault. I will be more patient with packaging in future.
Response: Heh, I have just wrote you notes to your notes on photo :D. I am glad you like them. And can not wait on package from you!!! (still did not get)
Response: Yay, I am happy, you (and your rats ;)) like, what i sent to you.
Response: Thanks and hope you will make some pretty cute stuff from them!! :)
Response: It was great to prepare package for you as you has soo long wishlist and you like the same things like me ;). I am really very glad you like what I sent.
Response: Yey, I am so glad you like them ;)
Response: tak to som rada, že sa páÄi ;) aj keÄ je mi trochu ľúto, že v niektorých scavenger huntovských kategóriách sa mi nepodarilo zohnaÅ¥ niÄ lepÅ¡ie, Äo by ti viac sadlo :(
Response: I am glad you like slovak songs ;)
Response: thanks for rating and really hope you enjoyed them
Response: hehe, atmosphere travel all around the world
Response: Fortunatelly, package left Europe enough early ;).
Thanks for nice comment. And wish you beautiful mornings with new "breakfast" stuff.
Response: i am really happy you like it all. i was afraid about cup - great it did not come in pieces ;)
Response: wow, it was really pretty fast. it was my historically biggest package i have ever sent!! hehe. so... can i start to prepare next swap? :D
Response: It was a pleasure to prepare this swap package, so I am sooo glad you like it. I will send you some link with tutorial for carving stamps - you could make some for yourself. It is easy ;-)
Response: i am so glad you like it!!