Swap-bot Time: December 1, 2024 1:41 am

All ratings for mypeacetree

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Comment: Thank you so much Ingrid!!! You did a fantastic job with the letters, I love it! I'm trying to read one per day, but when I'm done you'll be getting some mail back from me!
Response: eehee, i'm so glad you got it! i'm very impressed that you are limiting yourself to one a day; i read mine all at once! can't wait to see what comes in the mail!
artgeek rated for Inaugural Craftsocial ATC Swap! on Feb 13, 2010
Comment: WOW! Thank you so much for putting tons of effort into your package! I really love everything!
Lemon rated for The Really Simple Penpal Swap No.2 on Sep 12, 2009
Comment: I can't wait to write Ingrid back. Her introduction letter was incredibly thorough, and I don't feel like I'm going to be left floundering when it comes time to write back to her.

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
5.0000 4 0 0
Completed Fives Threes Ones
4 4 0 0
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
0 1 3 0

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