Swap-bot Time: December 1, 2024 4:45 am

All ratings for shef11308

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CarlyJo rated for Sanrio Surprise swap #2 on Mar 21, 2009
Comment: I contacted you at the beginning of the month and you said that you would resend, due to a envelope never getting to me. I'm not sure why you have not signed into swap-bot, i hope that everything is ok with you and yours. Please contact me, i don't want to rate a 1. The truth is though i have not recieved anything, and you have told me you would resend. After that conversation you have not logged on or anything. Again i have contacted you, but nothing is being read, or responded to.
Comment: Thanks so much girly! Loved every sticker you sent!!<3

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
3.0000 1 0 0
Completed Fives Threes Ones
2 1 0 1
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
0 0 0 2

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