Fives ratings for tmb1959
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Response: Sorry I was in a hurry to get things out before I had to go and spend a week taking care of my mother who is dying she lives 7 hours away I will send another as soon as I return back home on November 3 rd
Response: Yes it is supposed to be Bambi. Glad you like it.
Response: I think I got them on clearance at Joann's.
Response: glad you liked it.
Response: No I don't think so.
Response: Tonya said it was funny that she has never been partnered with you and that I have a few times already. You both now have a chance with the name one. Have fun.
Response: Your welcome. Have a great Thanksgiving.
Response: My daughter studied Japanese and loves all that stuff. Enjoy.
Response: Glad the ATC got to you too. I did send extras, sorry they didn't get their.
Response: Thank you. I wasn't sure if I did it correctly. Glad you enjoyed it.